Opening Hours

View our opening hours for each surgery below.

Opening Hours

Woodside Surgery: 8.00am to 6.30pm [Monday to Friday]
Mixenden Stones Surgery: 8.00am to 6.30pm [Monday to Thursday]
Shelf Health Centre: 8.00am to 6.30pm [Monday to Thursday]

All appointments are initially a telephone consultation and then booked with the appropriate clinician for a face-to-face appointment as required.

We have face to face appointments at all three sites: Woodside, Mixenden and Shelf, and if you feel you need or you prefer a face-to-face appointment, please let the clinician know and this will be arranged for you.

Please do not visit your surgery unless you have a confirmed appointment, or you have been advised to attend by a member of the team.

If your query is non-urgent, please call after 11.00am, or you can visit our website 24hrs a day 7 days a week to manage many common queries. You can also use our website 7am to 12pm Monday - Friday, to book an online consultation.

Extended Access:
We offer a limited number of evening appointments between 6.30pm and 8.00pm Monday to Friday We also offer some weekend appointments on a Saturday. These can be with a GP, a Practice Nurse or a Prescribing Pharmacist. Please book these through the reception team. The appointments will be at our extended hours hub the Keighley Road Practice

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