North Halifax PCN
Since April 2019 we have been working in partnership with 5 other practices, serving over 40K patients in the geographical area of North Halifax.
North Halifax Primary Care Network

Visit the PCN Website for further detailed information:
Since April 2019 we have been working in partnership with 3 other practices, serving over 38K patients in the geographical area of North Halifax:
- Beechwood Medical Centre
- Caritas Group Practice (Woodside Surgery, Mixenden Stones Surgery, Shelf Health Centre)
- Keighley Road Surgery
- Plane Trees Group Practice
This partnership has enabled us to offer new services to our patients:
Afternoon Phlebotomy
(blood testing) – by an appointment at any of the surgeries in the network.
Late sample collection
facilitating all day testing in surgery.
Extra appointments in surgery hours
With a GP or Advanced Practitioner in surgery hours.
MSK physiotherapy appointments
No need to wait for an appointment at the hospital. The team is able to clinically assess, offer appropriate advice and exercise, arrange medication if needed or a referral to other clinical services where appropriate.
Clinical Pharmacists
Specialising in structured medication reviews.
Acute Visiting Service
A team of Community Paramedics provide a home visiting service to our housebound patients.
Personalised Care Team
Providing holistic care tailored to meet patient needs. The team will be able to give our patients additional time that will improve the quality of care we can offer our patients and will free up clinical appointments. The team comprises of:
Social Prescribing Link Workers
take a holistic non-medical approach to patient's health and wellbeing. They connect people who need more than simple signposting to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support. Areas of support include: social isolation, social anxiety, mild mental health problems, increased stress, housing, financial issues including benefits, weight management, physical inactivity, bereavement, self-esteem and confidence, chronic pain and family issues.
First Contact Mental Health Practitioner
Looking after patients presenting with a variety of mental health issues including; anxiety, low mood and mild depression. Will undertake a comprehensive assessment and implement appropriate care pathways.
Care Coordinators
supporting our patients in nursing and residential homes,programmes to support early cancer diagnosis and increased uptake of health screening.
Occupational Therapist
Focusing on early intervention for patients with complex needs, preventing escalation of problems, and wider deterioration of their health. With a focus on resolving health and social issues at an early stage, helping to minimise crisis situations, inappropriate presentation or admissions to residential or hospitalised care.